Italy vs England

Italy v England
Thanks to Gerard Delaney for drawing attention to the chart for the Wembley kick-off. He takes Saturn for Italy (classed as the home team in the tournament), choosing to wear blue, and England as the Moon, usually wearing white. He notes the stunning showing of the Three Lions – Moon in Leo, Venus in Leo, Mars in Leo! Gerard says:
“ the chart for Sunday’s Euro 2020 Final between Italy and England is a splendid representation of the possible destiny of the ‘Three Lions’ team. And that’s before exchanging the Sun and Moon in mutual reception, which makes it even better. The latter exchange also prevents the Moon moving to the opposition of Saturn.”

Note that Leo Captain Harry Kane has a very close Neptune-Uranus conjunction at 19 Capricorn. The conjunction opposes his Mercury at 18 Cancer, with two outlets to the opposition: trine and sextile to Mars and trine and sextile to Pluto – finding gaps and slipping through. At the kick-off, the Sun triggers this configuration at 19 Cancer, most closely opposite his Neptune.

The Sun’s mutual reception with the Moon by degree creates a Sun-Mars conjunction at 19 Leo, so will the Lion’s Leo captain strike again? In addition, the received kick-off Moon goes by degree to 9 Cancer 49, conjunct the IC of 9 Cancer 55 and opposite the Sun in the English 1066 horoscope. Is it coming home? As we watch the Beautuful Game (Venus in Leo ruling 5th), we can only speculate and be thrilled at the way the chart might be realised.

England Manager Garry Southgate has the dignified transit Jupiter in Pisces crossing his Nodal axis, but opposite his Mars on the South Node. Danger! But, with his own Scorpio Jupiter sextile wily Mars in Virgo, plus curious contacts with the England 1066 chart, he may be putting old ghosts to rest. – MH
