Simão Cortes alerted us to this remarkable and radical figure, which may be taken to signify World War Remembrances to come. He remarks on the Mercury-Saturn square from the depths of the VIIIth and the setting Moon applying Pluto, a sea of souls passing beyond the bound of words. Eternal silence moves us.
Our current Remembrance Day falls on the 11th Day of the 11th month each year, with Silence at the 11th hour. In its origin it honoured the Armistice, the formal cessation of hostilities of the First World War on 11th November 1918; it was renamed as Remembrance Day after the Second World War. This year the 11th day of November fell on a Thursday, coincident with Cop26, the international climate conference held in Glasgow. Remembrance Day should be distinguished from Remembrance Sunday designated as the second Sunday in November. Military and war veteran ceremonies of remembrance take place on this day, in the UK enacted at the Cenotaph in London. The red poppy became an emblem of remembrance with the second Armistice Day in 1920.