
This coronation anointing chart is rich in its symbolism. Mercury retrograde screens us, we are not allowed to view the key ritual moment. The screen was put in place at 11.45 am with the MC at 27 Aries 04 and it was removed at 11:48 am with the MC at 27 Aries 54. During these three minutes, Jupiter at 27 Aries 37 crossed over the Westminster meridian. With spiritual Jupiter also lord of the 9th of deity, this passage marks the moment of Divine Right, the King as mediator between God and human, sacred and secular. The true moment of the coronation can be taken as Jupiter partile the MC.

At this moment the King is anointed with Chrism oil from the Mount of Olives (Jupiter), consecrated by the Patriarch at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In the chart, the anointing oil is revealed in the grand trine in water, especially Neptune, dignified in Pisces on the 9th cusp. The Moon in fall separates trine Mars in fall and applies trine Neptune. In the Christian Mysteries, fallen humanity seeks redemption. Through the anointing, Holy Spirit descends from the Father (Jupiter) and enters the temporal realm in the body and being of the King. Dedicated to God, the King serves the divine.

Leo rises and the King, Sun in the 10th, applies to Uranus, planet of modernity and the secular. His reign walks a fine line between monarchy and republic.

The hereditary nature of this succession is shown by Moon-Mars trine. The Moon at 24 Scorpio 41 is conjunct Queen Elizabeth’s Saturn at 24 Scorpio 26 and her MC at 25 Scorpio 32; in the sacred moment of the anointing, Charles takes on the mantle of his deceased mother. This fallen Scorpio Moon is in mutual reception with a fallen Mars at 22 Cancer 00 but when received by degree, Mars moves to 22 Scorpio 00, conjunct Charles’ natal Sun at 22 Scorpio 25. The contact mirrors the close natal synastry between the two monarchs (Elizabeth’s Sun 0 Taurus 12 and Charles’ Moon at 0 Taurus 25). With the received Mars on his Sun, he can now act as monarch.


The coronation of Queen Elizabeth took place on 2 June 1953, starting at 11:15 am. In Astrology Quarterly, Vol 27:4 p.122 Charles Carter records a time of 12:32 pm for the coronation moment with an MC of 5 Gemini 25 and Jupiter at 5 Gemini 35. Again, Jupiter on the MC! (Note also that Venus was at 27 Aries 42, ruling the 9th). – Maggie Hyde