Further thoughts on Trump’s Inauguration

Since the adoption of the 20th amendment to the US Constitution in 1933, the Sun is always in Aquarius for our Presidential inauguration.  The Sun in the sign of its detriment perfectly symbolizes the ultimate sovereignty or source of supreme authority for that office (indeed for the entire government), which resides in the Constitution’s opening phrase “We the people…”.  This year, the Sun’s applying conjunction to Pluto symbolically suggests Trump’s naked grab for power and desire to dominate his opponents. Pluto in Aquarius aptly symbolizes a deeply divided public, the splitting of the body politic in a process that is rapidly accelerating.  This transformation of Presidential power also reveals the American Id, another Plutonian concept:  ugly urges to annihilate or eliminate the Other, those people or institutions which are perceived as a threat to national unity.  This is seen in the demonizing of immigrants, gay and trans people and anyone opposing Trump’s extreme agenda.  

It is hard not to see the rising Uranus in Taurus as the tech bros: Musk, Zuckerberg, Sam Altman (Chat GPT) Bezos, Cook, et al, as using this moment to further enrich themselves:  Mercury trine Uranus with Gemini on the 2nd.  Within one day, Trump announced the US government would be investing $100 Billion in AI, specifically to build large data centers.  Jupiter in Gemini on the cusp of the 2nd house is the perfect symbol for this undertaking. Among the tech giants, there is an implicit understanding that tech can be used to remake social norms and erase the line between public and private.  The Venus/Saturn conjunction seems key, since Saturn disposes the Sun (also Mercury) and Venus disposes Uranus. Tech and the Executive Branch merge; Tech has become socially conservative with Venus/Saturn in the 11th.   

Mars in Cancer on the IC symbolizes both nativism and isolationism.

Mars sextile Uranus suggests the opportunity to employ AI to fashion a Cancerian shell to protect the US, like the “Iron Dome” of Isreal.  The ultimate Cancer fantasy is the notion that we can be shielded from all of our enemies.

Lastly, the cardinal T square with the Moon/Chiron opposition squaring Mercury suggests a re-wounding of women in the social sphere, but intercepted Aries/Libra in 6th/12th means it is kept out of sight, denied.  The female Bishop who asked Trump to reconsider the effect his actions are having on marginalized groups embodies the 9th house Mercury in Capricorn as social and moral conscience.  The Moon is separating from Mercury and moves to the opposition to the 12th house Chiron.  Her words will have no lasting effect on the President.

Kirk Little